Monday, February 10, 2014

What is important?

Learning is fun always...its exciting to learn new things...But once I learn, the problem arises when this question comes, how am I going to apply this, is it really that important? I loved learning digital marketing...and for the first time I got good teachers and I learnt it well...what am I going to do with it, I will be marketing someone else's I am not going to start my own anytime sooner or anytime at all as I am absolutely having no skill in management and to have my own business I need it for sure. I am not going to do MBA noway.

For now thinking marketing someone else's business for them to earn money doesnt interest me much though digital marketing on the whole is an exciting arena. Starting my own is one of the passion or may be I like the idea of starting my own business :). But yesterday again I came across missing person ad in Pune, 75yrs having alzhimer disease gone missing, it has been 48hrs. He need insulin as he is diabetics. So I guess its necessary to start an FB page for them to use. And yay I can use my social media marketing skill.

So lets come to the title, what is important in life to you? I really would like to know from each and every one. As indians we are so senti I am sure I will hear my parents, my kids from many. Yesterday my son asked me what do you like the most? I really cudnt answer.

 Nature? Rain? Flower? Kashi said Peaceful life for everyone. Peace in country. Sounds like he is competing for Mister world :p. I hear that answer from Miss worlds all the time. Just kidding. But yes he is right peace is important not only for country for us too inside and outside. Yesterday I saw 59th filmfare awards and Salman khan beautifully combined peace and love together in his dance performance. Heart with

What a Random thought! Happy Valentines day to all the lovely human beings! and to my family members and friends!


Sangeetha said...

Superb thought

sri said...

Ramya ,iam a frequent visitor to your blog.for quite sometime i have been counselling my friends whose life is in problem and make them realise the value of life and their aim in life is to create a loving atmosphere in the families of my friends whose life is not filled with love .

Ramya said...

Awesome! creating a loving atmosphere for people around you is very important. Thanks for your comment.